Contact Number: 07415322186 | Valencia Mole · 5 Harbour Exchange, Harbour Exchange Square, Canary Wharf, E14 9GE

The empowered woman has a positive self-image and is confident with high self-esteem and knows her true value and worth as a woman.

The empowered woman continues to work on herself and her self-image, self-belief, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, self-acceptance, self-appreciation, self-approval, self-care, self-love, self-validation and self-empowerment.

The empowered woman is conscious-minded and understands that every choice and decision she makes in life will create what she experiences in life and how she experiences life.

The empowered woman takes pride in her appearance and understands the psychological link that feeling confident with her appearance, self-image and personal style has on her confidence, self-esteem, self-worth, emotions, feelings and mental health and wellbeing and what she experiences in life and how she experiences life.

The empowered woman is committed, confident, determined, focused and motivated and has the personal drive to achieve her desires and goals in life.

The empowered woman is conscious of her health and wellbeing and chooses healthy lifestyle choices.

The empowered woman knows her true value and worth and will keep this in mind when choosing a partner.

The empowered woman chooses healthy relationships based on simple morals and values such as honesty, loyalty, respect and trust.

The empowered woman values her heart, body, mind and soul and will not entertain unhealthy and toxic relationships that could sabotage her health and well-being, mental health, her general happiness and her potential to achieve her own personal, professional and financial desires and goals.

The empowered woman will not entertain disrespect such as lying, cheating, deception, manipulation, mind games, control or any other form of emotional and psychological abuse, physical abuse or sexual abuse.

The empowered woman takes control to protect herself and her body and health from unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted diseases.

The empowered woman accepts accountability and responsibility to create her own happiness and experiences in life and makes conscious choices and decisions to achieve her personal, professional and financial desires and goals in life.

The empowered woman understands that the choices she made in her past created her current reality and practices accountability personal responsibility, self-acceptance, self-awareness and self-reflection to benefit from learned lessons and wisdom gained to become smarter, stronger and wiser making new conscious-minded and empowered choices in life.

The empowered woman believes she is worthy of having a happy and successful life whatever that means for her and is committed, confident, determined, driven, focused and motivated to achieve her true desires and goals for her personal, professional and financial life.

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