If you are an entrepreneur or business owner how you manage your personal finances and business finances will determine your ability to build a profitable, sustainable and successful business that supports you to have the life you desire for yourself and your family...

What’s Your Money Personality Type And How Much Is It Costing You In Lost Income, Opportunities, Time And Energy?
Your Money Personality Type will define who you are and what you experience in your personal, professional and financial life. How you do money is how you do everything... It is a fact that how you do money is how you do everything. Your relationship with money...

The 4 Factors That Can Supercharge Or Sabotage Your Ability To Sell Yourself And Your Services
As an entrepreneur or business owner its important to understand that your ability to sell yourself and your services will be greatly influenced by these 4 crucial factors that will ultimately determine the success or failure of your business. Branding Building your...

5 Steps To Position Yourself As An Expert In Your Industry And Increase Influence, Impact And Income – Even If You’re An Introvert
In my experience of coaching female entrepreneurs and women that want to start businesses it has become clear that many women often self-sabotage their success and hold themselves back from achieving their true potential because of their resistance to stepping into...

The Power of Personal Branding
“The power of Personal Branding and the impact it can have on your business should not be underestimated. Personal Branding is the key to your success and it is a topic you must take time to understand and invest in if you want to achieve greater results.” Personal...

The Power of Niching
Why you must specialize to supercharge your earning potential If you are an aspiring, start-up or established coach, consultant or other service based business owner and you want to supercharge your earning potential it is crucial that you choose the most authentic...

Build Your Signature Personal Brand To Supercharge Your Self-Image, Self-Worth, Earning Potential And Income
Your Signature Personal Brand is the most important but often overlooked biggest determining factor in your ability to supercharge your marketability factor and your earning potential. Personal Branding contrary to popular belief is a requirement and not an option for...

Personal Branding Is The Best Investment You Can Make In Yourself If You Want To Supercharge Your Earning Potential
Personal Branding is a requirement if you are a aspiring, start-up or established business owner or an individual on the path of securing employment or advancing in your career. Your Personal Brand influences, impacts and determines your ability to be able to charge...

Setting Smart Goals to Supercharge Your Results for 2018
It is a fact that setting smart goals enables us to have a clear, focused direction that enables us to take purposeful and strategic action steps to achieve what we truly desire. When we set goals it is important to set both long term goals and short term goals. Long...

New Year’s Resolutions and Setting Smart Goals to Supercharge Your Results for 2018
Approaching the end of 2017 many of us would have been reflecting on everything we had achieved and what we still have to accomplish that was our goals at the start of 2017. New Year 2018 brings another 365 days of possibilities and opportunities to achieve our goals...