Contact Number: 07415322186 | Valencia Mole · 5 Harbour Exchange, Harbour Exchange Square, Canary Wharf, E14 9GE

If you are an aspiring, start-up or established business owner or entrepreneur your relationship with money and your money mind-set is the most important factor that will impact, influence and determine your business growth, income and profits and your ability to build your business to truly support the life you desire.

In business there are 5 key areas that are crucial to the success of your business.

  1. Personal Brand
  2. Business Brand
  3. Mind-Set and Money-Mind-set
  4. Marketing
  5. Sales

Your ability to have a highly profitable business will be determined by your Personal Brand and Business Brand, Marketing and Sales. However, your relationship with money and mind-set is at the core of every action and choice you make, it is the driving force that will enable you to build an authentic personal brand and a highly profitable business brand, market yourself and your services and make more sales in your business.

If you are in business you have to develop an entrepreneurial mind-set and an entrepreneurial money mind-set.

Gaining a deep understanding of your relationship with money and understanding how your attitude, beliefs, behaviours, habits, strengths and challenges influence, impact and determine your actions, decisions and results in every area of your personal and professional life will enable you to recognise the aspects of your money personality and characteristic traits that will support you in your personal, professional and financial life and the challenges of your money personality and characteristic traits that sabotage you from achieving what you truly desire and what is possible for you in your personal, professional and financial life.

Investing in yourself, your brand and your business is a requirement and not an option if you want to succeed in the entrepreneurial world.

Establishing yourself as a business owner and entrepreneur requires an investment of time, energy and money and as you and your business grow and evolve you will have to be prepared to keep re-investing in yourself and your business in order to continue to achieve your next level personal, professional and financial goals.

What does your relationship with money reveal about YOU and the challenges you are likely to experience in business?

Do you love spending money on your image, appreciate quality and value high end and luxurious experiences? Extravagant spending is likely to greatly impact how profitable you are in your business.
Business Tip: When going through your business accounts identify how much keeping up appearances is costing you?

Do you have a fear of spending money even if you can afford it?
If you are unwilling to invest in yourself and your business your ability to build your brand and accelerate your business growth, income and profits will be limited.
Business Tip: What investments can you make that will give you the biggest return on your investment and help you to achieve what you truly desire in your personal, professional and financial life?

Do you find money management challenging?
Money Management is crucial to your success as an entrepreneur. Paying attention to your numbers is highly important and will illuminate where you need to focus your attention to increase your income and profits
Business Tip Commit to tracking your incoming and outgoing business and personal finances.

Do you often give other people your time, energy and money often sacrificing your own desires and needs? Overworking, over delivering, under charging and under earning is likely to be common practice for you.
Business Tip: Are you charging what your worth? Start owning your true value and worth in business and life.

Do you have a lot of business ideas but struggle to transform them into income?
A lack of clarity about your brand, business, target market, niche or any other areas of business leads to a lack of confidence, indecision, procrastination and ultimately lost income, time and energy.
Business Tip: Choose the business idea you are most passionate about that enables you to work in your genius zone using your talents, strengths, knowledge, skillset and experience working with clients that will value what you have to offer.

Do you consider yourself to be a workaholic with a love for making money?
Your drive and passion for your business and your love of making money can lead to an unhealthy work/life balance that could put you at risk of burnout. Working smarter not harder is the key to working more productively and profitably.
Business Tip: Create your working schedule to ensure you have a healthy work/life balance and increase your productivity and profitability.

Do you believe money is to be enjoyed, avoid money issues and resist changing your destructive money behaviour?
You are probably aware that your money behaviours and habits are not supporting you in your personal, professional and financial life.
Business Tip: Start taking small steps to change your money behaviours and habits by making it a daily or weekly practice to spend time looking at your business and personal finances to empower yourself personally, professionally and financially.

Do you recognise yourself as a rebel that is happy to take a risk with your money for a potentially big gain?
Your willingness to take a financial risk can serve you well in business because being in business requires you to take a risk in order to accelerate your business growth, income and profits, however, your willingness to take a risk can also lead to financial losses.
Business Tip: Learn how to identify good investment opportunities to minimise making financial losses.

Your attitude, behaviour, habits, challenges, strengths, motivators and drivers around money reveal highly accurate insights about who you are and the challenges you are likely to experience in your personal, professional and financial life. It also reveals targeted areas for development, growth and improvement to accelerate your business growth, income and profits.

The fact is regardless of whether you consider yourself to be financially challenged or challenged at money management or financially successful and financially responsible there are opportunities for development, growth and improvement to achieve your next level personal, professional and financial goals and experience more financial fulfilment, independence, security and freedom.I’ll love to hear from you!

Let me know which steps you will be taking action on implementing for yourself?

If you want to find out more info about how i can help you transform your relationship with money schedule a complimentary Supercharge Your Earning Potential 30 Minute Breakthrough Consultation.

Free Complimentary Session


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