Contact Number: 07415322186 | Valencia Mole · 5 Harbour Exchange, Harbour Exchange Square, Canary Wharf, E14 9GE

We all have money blind spots that cost us in lost income earning opportunities and opportunities to keep more money in our businesses and life.

Our money blind spots sabotage our ability to also create and experience more personal, professional and financial fulfilment, independence, security and freedom in our business and life.

Your unique Money Personality and Characteristics Traits will illuminate the money blind spots you are likely to be experiencing in your business and life and also illuminate specific actions you will need to take in order to earn more money, keep more money in your business and life and create and experience more personal, professional and financial fulfilment, independence, security and freedom in your business and life.

Here are just some example of common money blind spots.

An inability to see potential opportunities to earn more money in your business

An inability to see potential opportunities to advance in a career that is more personally, professionally and financially fulfilling and rewarding

Having character and skillset building areas for development, growth and improvement that are keeping you from earning more income

Desiring to earn more money from your unique passions, talents, strengths and attributes but not knowing how to make it your reality

A lack of confidence, self-Image and self-worth issues that are stopping you from recognising and owning your true value and worth

Working in a niche that is not profitable for you

Over working, over delivering and under charging

A lack of clarity, confidence, self doubt, uncertainty, indecision, fear and procrastination about pricing your services and knowing how to charge what you’re worth

Struggling to work productively and profitably

Having no marketing and sales plan that helps you create consistent, reliable and sustainable income

Having no plan in place to earn, spend, save and invest your money

Using credit to fund your lifestyle and living expenses

Having self-sabotaging, subconscious and disempowering money beliefs, behaviours, habits and challenges

There are unlimited money blind spots that keep people from earning more money and keeping more money in their business and life and experiencing more personal, professional and financial fulfilment, independence, security and freedom in their business and life.

Are you starting to identify your money blind spots? What action will you take as a result of identifying your money blind spots?

I’ll love to hear from you! Let me know which steps you will be taking action on implementing for yourself?

If you want to find out more info about how i can help you transform your relationship with money schedule a complimentary Supercharge Your Earning Potential 30 Minute Breakthrough Consultation.

Free Complimentary Session


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